Thursday, February 21, 2013

Drum Roll Please!

My husband has been working furiously on this new album, and somehow along the way it became OUR album. Haha, I don't know how I get talked into these things...actually I do. :) Anyway, it's been an interesting experience. Recording an album together has been enlightening. I can see why a lot of relationships between band members don't last! It's certainly not for the faint of heart.

A few things I've learned:

First, recording is completely ego-busting. Have you ever heard your voice on a recording and thought, "wow, is that really what I sound like?!" It's bursting the bubble between how we hear ourselves and what other people hear. Listening to your own voice from outside of yourself is strange and unsettling.

Second, It's also easy to see why so many artists are perfectionists. It's not easy to be vulnerable, to be a lone, naked voice, to hear all of the imperfections, the "pitchy" notes, the breaths, and the parts that just don't work. It's even harder when someone else points them out to you (especially if it's your husband!) When you put out a finished product, you want it to be the very best possible representation of you. Even if no one else notices, you will hear all of those small imperfections and it will drive you crazy!

Third, I'm so proud of my husband and all of the hard work he put into making this album. He spent long nights in our makeshift "minivan recording studio", sometimes in the freezing cold! And even more hours editing, mixing, and learning how to put it all together. Even though I complained much of the way about the last minute requests to, "just record this one part!" when I was tired and really felt like doing anything but that, I'm really glad I did.

I remember going to see a Christian artist perform once when I was younger. She brought her two little boys on-stage to introduce her and had her husband playing percussion in the band. I remember thinking, "that's how I want to do it." In my experience with music and performing I've come to realize that I have very little interest in going the traditional route in terms of playing in clubs and bars, trying to sign deals, and especially the soul-sucking monster, Fame. I'm happy to be able to make music and do what I love, but on my own terms, in my own way, without sacrificing the things that are most important to me.

Here is Koichi's message, along with the links to check out the album:

"I finished my album- "Foundation Day. " This compilation took 10 years in the making. It is my offering to the world, free of charge, no strings attached. I recorded most of it in my minivan late at night.

I would like to thank my wife, my fam, my fan, and my friends. And of course my parents and the Heavenly Parent up above, all around, and inside each and every one of us. It will be on Spotify soon (remastered), but for now it can be listened to on Sound Cloud:

The album can be pirated here (just don't tell anyone):

Thank you all, have a happy Foundation Day!"



  1. Congrats you guys! I love the song you wrote Laurel :) And I think Uniboy will always be my favorite. You make a great team. xoxo Tami
