Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I just signed up for this:

I know I'm crazy! I just can't resist a good camp cute.

I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to do this with everything that's going on, but my word goal is only half of that in November (25K) so maybe it will only be half as crazy??

Anyway, it's just for fun, I'm going to use it as an experiment here on the blog as I rewrite/edit one of my earlier drafts. I'll call it: Fiction Friday! (I love me some alliteration) So I'll post a portion of the story for you every Friday in April.

Here's a teaser to get  you by until then, think book jacket:

As the sullen boy who lives in the mysterious house on the hill, and the youngest son of a notoriously villainous family, Skander Malvado has been feared all his life. This is fine by him. Until, the quirky, sickeningly happy, Imogene attempts to befriend him. Together, they unlock secrets that could shake the whole town, and leave him questioning his very identity.

Stay tuned :)

What do people who aren't writers do for fun? 


  1. I think that its a great idea! I think that we should always be creating. If we aren't creating we are decaying, after all. I love the idea of sharing what we have done, bit by bit. It'll just be an extra piece of motivation.

  2. By the way, I started a blog. I am trying to use yours to try to figure out what in the world to do with these things. But I thought that maybe I would try writing down the process of publishing a book. Put some pieces of writing up there. I'm not sure. I need to take you up on your tea offer, and drink some amazing tea with you. And talk about blogs, and writing, and our addiction to Nanowrimo. I am also so glad that you are finishing this story, I really want to read it!

    1. Absolutely! I have plenty of tea to share. My house is a disaster right now though...I need at least a day to get things in order before I let any other humans inside ;) Can't wait to read your blog! You know what we always say, "just start writing!"
