Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ode to Being Lame

As I sang along to, "I can't make you love me" on the radio in my car, I thought about how this was the new "oldies" music, and how when my kids are grown they will think everything I like is totally lame (including the phrase, "totally lame"). I'm turning 30 in less than two months, and it actually feels really good. I feel like I'm just starting to get to know the real me, and the more I age, the less I tend to worry about what other people think. The less I tolerate toxic people or situations in my life. The less I get dragged down by drama. Perhaps it's the fate of all parents to be lame, but not because they've given up or let themselves go. Maybe they just know about the things that really matter and they are paving the way for their children, setting the example. It's okay to be lame, it's good, it's wonderful, come join me! I love you no matter what.

Ode to Being Lame

Here's to mom jeans and sappy love songs,
To staying in on a Friday night
To watching flowers bloom in my garden
To saving $1 on milk
To library books
To walks with the dog
To finally cleaning out the garage

To a beat up pair of sneakers that never give me blisters
To a new recipe for dinner, made with whatever is left in the fridge

Oh, to escape the shackles of trendy!
To kick off high-heeled shoes!
To happy, with what I have!
To comfortable, in my skin!
Oh, to lose the race!
To lie down!
To make mistakes and be forgiven!
To sing and dance and not care who is watching!

To wrinkles from smiling
To sun on my face
To speak, what I feel
To hear, my own voice
To say, "I love you" without fear,
"Goodbye" without guilt

Down with IN
and should
and better 
and can't
and no
and someday

Here’s to being on the outs,
to Love
to Give
to Choose
to Yes
to Now
Why not?


  1. My Father, who died 3 weeks ago today, always talked about taking the "Why Not Road". I know that's what he's doing now and that's what I want to spend the rest of my life exploring, "The Why Not Road."

    1. So sorry for your loss. Good luck on your journey, it's a noble road to follow :)

  2. Thank you Laurel. You give me faith in our young women today. May your smile wrinkles grow deep and strong.
