Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The best laid plans...survival guide for a sick day

Miles is sick today. The worst kind of sick, not so sick that he is sleeping all day, just sick enough to not go to school, be cranky all day, but still run around.


So much for grocery shopping, or any of the other plans I made for today. But that's just the way life is, especially as a parent. You have to be ready to let go and embrace whatever is thrown at you. Suddenly the baby doesn't want to take a morning nap?! aye...It's going to be a long one.

So today I will share my tips for getting through those days when it all gets thrown out the window. (I'll be checking back often to remind myself!)

1. Do something you've been procrastinating on- It always feels good to check something off the to-do list, even if it's not what you had originally planned. Today I'm going to make a call about a medical bill that I keep forgetting about.

2. Make a game out of cleaning up- If nothing else gets done, at least you have a clean house, and it keeps the kids busy for awhile if you get them involved in organizing the toys.

3. Treat yourself- Nothing like an extra cup of coffee or a fresh batch of chocolate chip muffins to keep you going.

4. Slow down- It's okay if you don't get the dishes done or the laundry folded. Errands can wait, even if it means eating ramen noodles for dinner. Today I will try to enjoy just snuggling and watching a movie (even if it's the one we've seen 100+ times).

5. The stand-bys- Lots of juice, chicken soup (heavy on the garlic!), and Tylenol (which sometimes has the extra benefit of sleepiness).

6. Go to bed early- Start the bedtime routine an hour or half hour earlier than normal. If you're lucky, you might just have some extra time in the evening for yourself...or some extra time for sleep from the exhausting day!

Anyone else have some good tips for the dreaded sick day?

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