Monday, September 10, 2012

Drops in a bucket

It has been a crazy few weeks, a crazy few days. But it has also been a unique time for reflection. I feel like lessons have been pouring down on me, trials of faith, hardship, loss, all bring the gift of wisdom if we choose to receive them that way.

I haven't slept well for the past couple of nights, and in my sleep deprived, under caffeinated state, I can't quite bring myself to piece together a long and thoughtful post. So instead I want to share with you just a few drops of wisdom, things I have been thinking about and reflecting on in the last few days. I don't think they need much extrapolation except for in whatever way you might apply them to your own life, because isn't that what matters anyway?

The accompanying pictures are from this past Saturday when the family and I spent the day at a farm picking apples and peaches. Enjoy!

Do not make idols of men, or put people up on a pedestal. Men will falter and fall short, as we all do. When my faith is in God and not the works of men, including my own, then it is strong and unshakable.

The most important thing, and the most valuable thing I ever learned was how to Love, and the meaning of REAL Love. I would gladly trade my college degree for that. That kind of education is priceless and precious.

Never judge. Only God knows the path that someone else has had to walk. All of life is a mirror, when we judge others we judge ourselves.

If you get mud thrown in your face, do not throw it back, but do not hide your emotions either. Let yourself feel pain, so that you can move quickly to a place of compassion, forgiveness, and peace.

It is not a burden to serve others, but a precious gift. If you are lucky enough to be well situated in life, it is your honor, not your duty, to give of yourself whether it be your money, time, or love.


  1. Hi Laurel, thank you for this post. Even though it is hard not to judge, it is true that we can never really know what another person has gone through to get them to this point. Somehow we all seem to have this desire to make idols of men, but when they fall short we realize we have no one to rely on but ourselves.

    1. Yes Chiyun, I think you said it exactly. We must rely on ourselves, not in a cynical way, but in knowing that we do not have to give power or authority to other people, that we already have it in ourselves and we all have the same value as children of God.
