Friday, November 2, 2012

We're going to be okay

I haven't posted anything for almost two weeks! This is the longest i've gone without updating. I could blame it on the storm, we still don't have internet due to Hurricane Sandy, I'm writing and posting this from my iphone, which has it's own challenges.

I've never seen an aftermath quite like this before. A huge branch from the neighbors tree just missed our car. We were also extremely lucky to have never lost power as 80% of my town did. There are cops outside directing traffic for cars waiting to get gas and people lined up around the block with their gas cans.

A friend of mine was just driving and tried to make a right turn, she had to go through the line of cars waiting to get into the gas station (that stretches probably four blocks and blocks off all the side streets). People started knocking on her wind shield saying that she was "going to get killed" because they thought she was trying to cut the line.

But I've also been uplifted by my Facebook feed, which has been filled with posts of people cooking hot meals and sending them to senior centers who are without power, a collective group of people all sharing which stores are open in the community, where you can charge your phone, and get free wifi. I myself have been inviting people over who haven't been as lucky for hot meals, coffee, and showers (we still have plenty of everything, come on over! I even have bags of ice in the freezer and water that we didn't have to use if anyone needs it...also batteries galore!)

The environment is this weird mix of desperation and panic, coupled with the strength and generosity of the human spirit. I like to think that the later will win out in the end. I am truly grateful to have a warm house, plenty of food, and running water. All of my family and friends are safe.

My husband couldn't go into work for three days while NYC transportation was shut down. Having him home, all snug and cozy together in our little apartment, made me feel that I had everything I needed.

Let's all remember what matters, and if you can, try and reach out to others who might need some assistance. Your local fire station or ambulance corps is a good place to start. Calling a neighbor to see if they need help is great too.

Stay safe everyone, we've still got some cleanup to do. These things happen, but we're going to be okay.

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