Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Unroll the mat

The other morning I came out to find my yoga mat rolled out on the kitchen floor. No doubt my four year old had gotten it out for some game or experiment. As I waited for my coffee to brew, I stretched out into downward dog. It felt good, though my muscles were tight and my arms a bit wobbly. I've been neglecting my yoga practice. For several weeks now I've been feeling the effects on my body, knowing that I should start again, knowing how much a regular practice helps me not only physically but mentally and spiritually. So why did it take this long to get back there?

Sometimes the hardest part is unrolling the mat.

I've been having writer's block lately too, as evidenced by the length between now and my last post. There are lots of methods and tips out there, but again, the hardest part is opening the notebook or turning on the computer. The first word on a blank page is rarely as scary as the idea of it. I've come to accept that there is no cure, only choices. Even if I write one sentence, because I made the choice to begin, that choice gives me power, and it's one sentence more than when I started! It's not always chronological steps (1, 2, 3), but a series of firsts, over and over.

Unroll the mat, write the first word, take the first step.

Then, do it again tomorrow.

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