Friday, January 31, 2014

Working from Home

I started picking up some freelance work recently and I thought this was an appropriate visual of the experience so far:

This is what happens to my copy and research after I'm done with it...

Of course, this is the ideal--a harmonious union of intellectually satisfying work, with all the benefits of being able to take a break and play with the kids.

What this picture doesn't show, is the piles of laundry, or dishes, or the ring around my bath tub...something has to give. But let's be honest, those things were never my strong suite anyway.

My dream has always been to be able to stay at home with the kids, and write--from my desk near a window that overlooks the ocean in Mexico--obviously...but hey, it's a start.

1 comment:

  1. Sally, teach the grandkids to clean the bath tub after their bath.
