Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Today is the Fourth of July. It's my favorite holiday. Partly because it's the only holiday to fall right in the middle of my favorite season: Summer...and only 11 days away from my birthday too! I remember taking a blanket out to the park with my family and watching the fireworks. There are no pressures like Christmas to get and wrap gifts, no cooking like at Thanksgiving...even Halloween can be a bit stressful (especially if you have little kids). Nope, all you have to do on the 4th is go out and bask in the glow of the fireworks and the general good will and euphoria of those around you.

Even the most cynical of us can't help but be moved when "The Star Spangled Banner" is played over the explosion of lights and colors.

It's an election year, so the months ahead especially, will be a little nasty and divisive (at least if the current state of things is any predictor), but today we are all the same, Americans. All little kids staring in wonder at the beautiful lights, waving a flag and singing "God Bless America".

It's a good time to take a moment and be grateful. Grateful to be born or to live in a land of freedom. We have our own problems, and not everyone agrees on the way this country should be run, but our freedom to debate and to be a part of the process is what makes it so wonderful. We are fortunate that even the poorest among us, are better off than those in many other countries. We can be proud that our nation believes in giving back to the rest of the world whether it be through aid or service. We can feel honored and humbled by the fact that the rest of the world still largely looks to us for leadership.

The world is made up of countries. Countries of states, states of cities, cities of communities, communities of families, families of individuals.

Let me be the best I can be as an individual, to create the best family, to create the best community, state, country, and world.

Happy Independence Day!

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