Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Classroom of Life

Yesterday the boys were up at 6am. I had an appointment with my chiropractor that I thought would go long so I packed us up-- ready to head to school right afterwards. The appointment took less time than expected and we had an hour to kill. Instead of going back home we drove to a park that we pass everyday and yet have never stopped at. It was a beautiful way to start the day. Only a few people were out, running or walking their dogs. There were ducks in the water and a soft gentle breeze. I sat on a bench near-by and prayed while the kids played on the shinny playground equipment.

It's good to stop and connect every once in awhile. We can get so busy with our everyday lives that a small shift in routine can actually create a huge difference and help us re-energize. It doesn't have to be big, but take a different route home, stop at that new restaurant you've been meaning to try, play a board game with friends instead of watching TV. One of my favorite things to do is actually to turn off the radio in the car and sing my own songs, or say a prayer. The little things we do can help us stay present, connected, and maybe see the rest of the day ahead with new eyes.

I have some exciting developments in the works, new projects and experiences that I'm looking forward to. I'll share more details when it's the right time. Maybe it's because of all those Target back-to-school commercials, but I kind of feel like a kid anticipating the first day of school. New beginnings, new challenges, excited and anxious all at once. We may not all be college or high school students anymore, but we will always be students of life.

What things are you looking forward to this school year?

1 comment:

  1. totally agree. we had a similar experience yesterday by finally (!) waking up to see the sunrise here in Seoul. We live near a mountain and have been talking about going for months--finally managed to get ourselves up and out to see it and it really was that 'small shift in routine' that helped us to reconnect and re-energize our day and perspectives.

    love your writing laurel-- keep up the nice work!
