Monday, December 17, 2012

For those left waiting

It's unimaginable, and yet, every parent around the world, the moment they heard about the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday, imagined. What if? What if that were MY child?

I have watched very little news coverage. I don't want to relive it over and over. I don't want to be party to speculation of how this could or could not be prevented, the shooter's motives, or using it as some sort of political leverage.

The first and only article I read about the event described the children being evacuated from the school and brought to the local firehouse where their parents were waiting. I keep going back to that firehouse, imagining myself there, waiting for my child to come, the relief of seeing them walk through that door. Or, the agony of being one of the parents left waiting for their baby who would never come. I imagine un-opened Christmas presents, and empty chairs.

The stories of the heroic teachers that protected their students give a moment of peace, until I remember that they were someone's child too.

All I know to do is to pray for those families, to offer up my support, and to hug my children extra tight.

Tragedies like this remind us of our humanity. It reminds me that we are lucky to be alive, that everything we have is a gift, that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. It reminds me that no matter what boundaries separate us, whether it be oceans, or continents, or religion, or politics, we all love our children. We all would give our lives for theirs if we could.

For everyone lucky enough: Cherish your children, hold them extra tightly. Thank God for every day that you are together.

For the parents left waiting: May a God who shares the heart of a grieving parent and who mourns for every lost child, be with you.

and for those children: May a God who is a loving parent wrap you in his arms.


  1. "For the parents left waiting: May a God who shares the heart of a grieving parent and who mourns for every lost child, be with you."

    A real deep and profound sense of empathy. Well done Laurel.
