Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Other Side of November

First, I want to apologize for not posting as regularly during this past month. I have a good excuse!

November is notoriously the most busy, gloriously crazy month of the year for me. Not because of the holidays, but because for the last four years I've participated in NanoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It's run by a non-profit organization called the Office of Letters and Light, and it's a challenge to write a Novel (50,000 words) in 30 days.

I've always wanted to be a writer, and the great thing about NanoWriMo, is that it pushes you to just write, write consistantly, and to let go of your inner editor (you know, that voice that says, "you're not a writer! what do you think you're doing! this is stupid, no one's going to want to read this!" He can be quite unpleasant.)

The joy I've found in letting the words flow, in creating worlds and letting my characters take me to new and unexpected places has brought me back year after year, and for the second time in four years I'm proud to say that I made my goal and can officially call myself a winner!


It's been a wild ride. For those of you who cheered me on, Thank You! I wouldn't have made it without my writing buddies. One of the great things about this year was that I was able to do it along side so many people.

If you are interested in checking out NanoWriMo and all the great programs they do throughout the year, check out their website:

As for me, a short breather and then it's on to the next frontier: Editing!

stay tuned for hair-pulling updates :)

Happy December!


  1. Great job, Laurel!! This reminds me to also take part in something like this, where I let go of the inner editor in me... :-)

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